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    It’s time to move forward to a more fulfilling life


    Maybe you’re feeling stuck, that you’re not living the life you had hoped for, or you’ve been putting off taking hold of your relationships, personal wellness or career. At whatever point you find yourself, Waypoint Wellness & Performance Coaching can help find your way forward.

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Wherever you are in your journey, we can help

To savor each insight, click the three dots at the end of each page to hold the screen for additional reading time. 

Embark on a transformative journey tailored to you – whether you’re navigating life’s complexities as an individual, strengthening relationships through couples’ coaching, or achieving unparalleled success in your career or entrepreneurial endeavors. Our seasoned coaches bring a unique blend of experience and empathy to guide you through every challenge. We proudly serve diverse backgrounds, faiths, and identities, ensuring a personalized coaching experience. Explore the depth of faith-based coaching available on request in our services section. Your fulfilling journey begins at Waypoint Wellness & Performance Coaching.


Connection Lines
  • The Coach Approach



    Welcome to Waypoint Wellness & Performance Coaching, where we are dedicated to your holistic well-being and enhanced performance. Our unique approach sets us apart, offering both in-person coaching at our Steinbach, Manitoba office—serving clients from Steinbach, Winnipeg, and surrounding areas—and globally accessible online coaching.

    What makes us truly exceptional is our commitment to providing ongoing support between sessions through email at no extra charge. At Waypoint, we believe in offering state-of-the-art support and curriculum unparalleled in the coaching and counseling industry. Our positive and strength-based psychology framework is second to none, ensuring an empowering and transformative experience tailored to your individual journey.

    Currently serving clients online from across Canada and the United States, we have created the support we would want for ourselves and our loved ones. Your path to wellness and optimal performance starts here, and we are excited to be a part of your personal and professional growth.

  • The Coach Approach


    Coaching is a method of support that profoundly empowers the client to identify the possibilities within one’s own control. The client can then plan a system to maneuver the obstacles, roadblocks and difficulties that stand in the way. The coach comes “alongside” the client and coaches the client’s thinking by asking provocative questions in order that the client may define the way forward. We coach you in any area of your life, but Waypoint does much more.  The style of coaching we offer coaches your thinking in order for you to find clarity in any concern or endeavour you face. Whether you are experiencing any relational concerns or you want to experience a shift in your career or business aspirations we support you in a safe & confidential environment. George coaches men addressing their unique needs in all areas of their life. George also works supporting men in couples coaching.  Lesley coaches all individuals and couples.

  • The Coach Approach


    Experience a personalized journey towards a more fulfilling relationship with our Couple’s Coach Approach

    • Dual Expertise: Benefit from the combined skills of two seasoned professionals, Lesley & George, with multiple post-graduate degrees in Educational Psychology and Professional Certified Coaching.
    • Tailored Between-Session Work: Personalized exercises and activities designed to enhance growth and connection.
    • In-Between Session Support: Reach out for additional email support between sessions for continuous guidance.
    • Support, Validation, and Skill Development: Foster an environment dedicated to developing essential relationship skills for a harmonious partnership.
    • Goal Setting for Success: Collaboratively set and work towards relationship goals aligned with your unique values, needs, and aspirations.

    Basic Couple’s Package: Aligning with our individual packages, this option includes an additional $550.00 plus GST for George’s specialized in-between session support for men via email. Lesley provides in-between session work for women at no extra charge, ensuring comprehensive support for transformative experiences.

    Couple’s Supreme Package: A comprehensive option with virtual or in-person sessions for couples with Lesley and 1:1 personal sessions for men with George. Pricing aligns with individual packages X2. Both men and women receive in-between email support at no extra charge.

    With the Supreme Package, couples access the most intensive support, focusing on men’s personal healing. Men learn to gain strength over weakness, addressing shame and leading towards health and healing.

    At Waypoint Wellness & Performance Coaching, our commitment to guiding couples towards stronger, more harmonious relationships sets us apart. Our dual-coach approach and personalized in-between session support offer transformative experiences, a professional investment in the well-being and growth of your relationship.

Get ready for your pivot


  • Via Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp video, & Facetime for global clients
  • Flexible hours & considerations for time change


  • Location in Steinbach, Manitoba (servicing Steinbach, Winnipeg and surrounding areas)
  • Unique Individual, couples, business entrepreneur packages available
  • Student rate for ages 14-19, and post secondary to age 23 available
  • Retiree rate available for those who qualify according to pay scale

Our Packages

  • GOLD
  • Platinum

    Get the Edge
  • ×12 60 Minute Sessions PLUS

    ×3 30 Minute Phone Sessions

    When you need it most before that meeting, before that interview, or before that tough conversation. Spend it the way you need it and get the edge.


    We offer Package A (Monthly packages) &

    Package B (Bundles for longer term)

    Call for details

    Currency outside of Canada is in USD


    As us about our “Couple’s Intervention” Package.





Couple Hiking

Come as you are

Waypoint offers services working with couples, individuals, as well as, focus on career/entrepreneurship

Waypoint can help you in any area of your life in order to live now and plan for a better tomorrow. The extensive list below are just some examples of life’s complexities where Waypoint Wellness & Performance Coaching can support you on your journey. If you want to pivot your current course Waypoint will hold space for you and get you moving in a better direction.

Couple’s Intensive with Waypoint offers unique coaching packages along with assessments & intensive support for couples who are facing especially turbulent times.

Click each topic to expand a more comprehensive reading list

  • Relational Coaching (& Intensive for Couples)

    Boundary Setting

    • Develop reciprocal respectful relationships through boundary setting
    • Have you been cast the villain, the victim or the hero at home or at work? Get off the stage and live your own truth

    Family of Origin/Home Relationships

    • Creating healthy joyful memories
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Discord & strife
    • Friendships & dating
    • Stepfamily issues
    • Separation and divorce
    • Parental alienation
    • All things scapegoat
    • Sibling Abuse
    • Navigating narcissism, flying monkeys and smear campaigns within the family system

    Couples’ Coaching packages

    • Couple’s Coaching
    • Communication
    • Break the circular -go -no- where argument cycle
    • Companionship differences
    • How to support your spouse without losing you
    • Keeping your marriage alive while raising a family
    • Infidelity & betrayal
    • Family Coaching available in unique situations
    • Parenting disagreements
    • Separation & Divorce

    Couples’ Intervention packages: Includes in person/or online couples coaching sessions, as well as, intensive in between session email coaching (tailored curriculum, assignments, reflections with two coaches). The supreme package includes the above, as well as, the male partner works with George for additional private coaching.


  • You at Work & Employer Support for Employees

    Your Workplace

    • Put your gifts to work
    • Are you ready to change your life?
    • Is it time to leave your current workplace and start your own business?
    • Business vision & planning
    • Skills for success at work or in business
    • Build on your strengths
    • Creating community at work or in business
    • Establishing professionalism
    • Workplace success plan
    • Workplace bullying & abuse
    • Navigating narcissism & scapegoating

    Employers looking to invest in Employees Betterment

    Skills for workplace success

    • Support for Employees having personal, relational, and/or psychological concerns
    • Support for Employees navigating interpersonal conflict in the workplace
    • Time management
    • Communication/Collaboration
    • Work/Life balance
    • Overall health & wellness for employees
    • Onboarding the anxious employee towards success

    Workplace Group Coaching Support

    • Use of Performance Coaching framework for teams & visioneering
    • Team goal setting through strategic planning and the use of a PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope)

    Faith Based Coaching for Faith Based Workplace Settings

    • Strategies to navigate sensitive concerns for pastoral and/or church teams
    • Facilitation for your team to move strategically towards goals that are meaningful, purposeful, and inspiring
    • Support to foster unity, restoration & healing within your team
  • Emotional Support Planning/Transitions of Life

    Emotional Support Planning

    • Recovery from illness & adjusting to a new normal with your health
    • Generating & creating your own wellness plan for fitness and nutrition
    • How to balance home and work amidst a pandemic
    • How to take care of yourself while taking care of everyone else

    Parenting & School

    • What is happening to my child’s education? Will my child fall through the cracks? A coach/educators support. (See credentials)
    • Advocacy for navigating school systems on behalf of children with special needs (35 years combined experience in working in Student Services in the public school system).

    Life Transitions

    • Adapting to new baby/ babies without losing yourself
    • Empty nest
    • Death of a spouse/partner/friend
    • Grief & loss
    • Career change
    • Moving your home and life
    • Starting a new job
    • Breakups & sorrow
  • Career/Entrepreneurship Coaching

    Career Change & Entrepreneur Business Coaching

    • Determine what you want and need from a fulfilling career or business
    • Transitioning out of your current career into your dream
    • Explore & develop your strengths
    • Turn your weaknesses into your superpower
    • Find out what you truly value
    • Discover options
    • Explore resources
    • Take your business to the next level
    • Coaching you through marketing, pricing, distribution and sales
    • Business startup guidance in the techno era (writing a business plan, 30 sec. elevator pitch, avatar for clients, market analysis etc).
  • Performance Coaching

    Performance & YOU

    Embark on a transformative journey with Waypoint Wellness & Performance Coaching, where we empower you to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals across various facets of life, including career advancement, business success, fitness, and financial success. Our approach revolves around the PERFORM model, a structured pathway that guides you from your current position in the valley to the pinnacle of your aspirations.

    Whether you’re aiming for professional growth, entrepreneurial success, enhanced fitness levels, or financial achievement, the PERFORM model is tailored to address your specific needs. Setting ambitious goals may seem daunting, but we believe in the power of breaking them down into manageable steps. With the support of a Waypoint “certified performance coach,” you’ll navigate through the PERFORM model, strategically carving out the time necessary to craft meaningful plans aligned with your vision for success. It’s time to remove barriers and usher in positive change for a more fulfilling life that you can share and celebrate with others. Let’s make it happen together.

  • Faith Based Coaching

    Faith Based Coaching Available

    A faith-based approach for those who wish to incorporate their faith as a basis for the coaching process is available.

    What can you expect from faith-based coaching? George is a certified professional Life Coach, and an alumnus of Christian Coach Institute.  Lesley is a certified Wellness & Performance Coach through ICF (International Coaching Federation) and Canada Coach Academy. Together George & Lesley work to facilitate a faith based perspective grounded in biblical teachings.

    You can expect that we take our cues from you. We will not advise your belief system rather we will support you on your journey yet challenge the unhelpful beliefs you may have learned throughout your life that get in the way of what you were created to be. We will listen for what is important to you through the organic nature of your sharing. We will gradually ask deeper questions while holding space for you that includes ensuring a sense of safety to help foster clarity in what you value most.

    We at Waypoint believe each one of us are created with a unique purpose along with accompanying  personal gifts, knowledge, talents and skill sets. We believe that regardless of where you have been, what you have done, or what has been done to you that you are called to a higher & more meaningful  purpose. At your request your faith at Waypoint will be accessed, expressed, and explored in order for you to process life, career, relationships or performance related endeavours with your faith as a cornerstone. We provide a non-judgmental, supportive & caring environment that is steeped in the belief that there is redemption and restoration for all.

    There is always a way forward. We can help you on your journey.

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  • About Waypoint


    Founders at Waypoint Wellness & Performance Coaching | ACC ICF -Accredited Certified Wellness, Relationship & Performance Coach | International Coaching Federation |Christian Coach Institute| Canada Coach Academy | Masters of Education |PBDE (Leadership) |PBDE (Inclusive Education) | Bachelor of Education| UDL (Universal Design for Learning Instructor) | Certified WEVAS trainers of trainers (Working Effectively with Violent & Aggressive States) | NVCI trainer of trainers (Non Violent Crisis Intervention) |Certified PATH facilitators (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope)


    George & Lesley live in Steinbach, Manitoba with their two dogs, Jackson and Mayzee. Together Lesley and George have four adult children and four grandchildren. Lesley & George are continuously achieving personal goals by actively pursuing lifelong learning in the area of wellness, wholeness, recovery and personal change. They both enjoy home renovations, restoring vintage furniture, camping, attending outdoor concerts & competing in triathlons. George has completed eight 140.6-mile Ironman triathlons and Lesley has completed five 70.3-mile Ironman triathlons.

    “We all have setbacks, but remember life is all about the comebacks”

    – Lesley & George –

  • About Waypoint


    Founders at Waypoint Wellness & Performance Coaching | ACC ICF -Accredited Certified Wellness, Relationship & Performance Coach | International Coaching Federation |Christian Coach Institute| Canada Coach Academy | Masters of Education |PBDE (Leadership) |PBDE (Inclusive Education) | Bachelor of Education| UDL (Universal Design for Learning Instructor) | Certified WEVAS trainers of trainers (Working Effectively with Violent & Aggressive States) | NVCI trainer of trainers (Non Violent Crisis Intervention) |Certified PATH facilitators (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope)


    Not all coaches are equal. With Waypoint’s postgraduate studies in Educational Psychology, proven track record in teaching all learners (K–12 students, people with special needs & learning disabilities, as well as providing workshops and teaching opportunities for adult learners & professionals) in vital combination with extensive performance coach training from the Canada Coach Academy, Christian Coach Institute, as well as, certified & accredited through the worldwide ICF (International Coaching Federation) you will have access to the best kind of coaching available to execute definitive self-initiated and self-designed action plans with built in strategies for accountability.


  • About Waypoint


    Founders at Waypoint Wellness & Performance Coaching | ACC ICF -Accredited Certified Wellness, Relationship & Performance Coach | International Coaching Federation |Christian Coach Institute| Canada Coach Academy | Masters of Education |PBDE (Leadership) |PBDE (Inclusive Education) | Bachelor of Education| UDL (Universal Design for Learning Instructor) | Certified WEVAS trainers of trainers (Working Effectively with Violent & Aggressive States) | NVCI trainer of trainers (Non Violent Crisis Intervention) |Certified PATH facilitators (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope)


    George specializes in men’s unique issues & concerns and also works with men in the couple’s intensive course between sessions. George has a specialty in Men’s Ministry and is passionate about supporting men (both within & outside of the church) to become who they were created to be. Lesley works with both men and women’s issues & concerns, as well as leads the couple’s coaching sessions. Both Lesley & George administer pertinent informative assessments and also design unique client specific curriculum & reflection assignments for in-between sessions.

    George & Lesley’s additional leadership expertise includes curriculum & workshop design/delivery, leadership, organizational understandings (i.e. conference chair (s), organization president (s) vast experience facilitating creative presentations and currently and most importantly, Waypoint is devoted to foster in you the change you are seeking through an empowering “learner mindset.” At Waypoint Wellness & Performance Coaching we can get you from where you are to where you want to be. No matter where you find yourself a Waypoint coach can meet you where you are at and support you on your journey.

    For further information to the “why” Lesley & George chose do this work check out our blog called, “Why”.


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  • Working with Lesley feels safe and encouraging. Not only does she help me identify the changes that I need to make to move forward, she also helps me plan my strategy and gets me excited about taking the first steps. Over our months of work together, I’ve made real progress in many different areas of my life

    Sarah Beth Flint - CEO Mom’s are People Too Toronto, Canada

  • I’ve spoken with several counselors in my life and I usually ended up more confused and feeling worse about myself than when I started. However, once I began working with Lesley and making my own achievable goals, I finally feel that I have a really strong direction in my life.

    Thank you Lesley! Your skill and expertise have been invaluable and I greatly appreciate the care you have provided me.

    Wesley, Winnipeg, Manitoba

  • I don’t think I have ever experienced a coach or counselor that “got me” the way Lesley did. She has a way of supporting you so you can feel your own strength. Thank you Lesley!

    Jeannie, mother of 3, Winnipeg, MB

  • When I first hired Lesley as a coach I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect. I was at a pretty low point in my life. What I came to find out is that I have what it takes to make the big changes that were best for everyone long term. I’m not so afraid anymore. I worked through some decisions that were going to cost me no matter which choice I made and I was initially pretty frozen. Lesley helped me to uncover what I valued most and it was so much easier to see the path that I needed to take.

    Sam, father of 4, Calgary, Alberta

  • My relationship was at a dead end. Lesley coached me so that I could find out what role I played in the mess of that relationship. I had a pattern in my intimate relationships that I no longer wanted to repeat. I’m moving forward with confidence knowing I won’t be bringing baggage into the next relationship.

    Carry, 38, Montreal, Quebec

  • I decided that I’ve been talking about getting in shape long enough. Lesley was empathetic and non-judgmental to help me carve out the first steps to this new journey of health. I just started and can’t wait to keep going. I appreciate having Lesley as my coach by my side on this journey. Her emphasis on self-care instead of self-condemnation is new to me.

    Mary, New York, NY

  • My ex-wife’s family continues to smear my name in my close circles. Lesley’s understanding of narcissism and smear campaigns have truly enlightened me. I no longer blame myself now for all the problems of the family. I’ve learned to own my part and let go of the rest. I have energy to live life to the fullest now. Before my energy was absolutely drained. It was a lot of work, but now I’m free to be myself and not live out the misery that others wanted to offload on me. No one gets to tell me who I am right Lesley?

    Jamie, Vancouver, British Columbia

  • I have had the privilege of having George as a coach. As a frustrated professional trying to work hard and balance family life, I needed a change. Not to mention my expectations that I carried based off of past hurts and relational misunderstandings. I felt lost and mistreated. George listened, encouraged and challenged me with great skill and attention to detail. He asked thought provoking questions which have given me the opportunity to match my thinking with my reality. I have seen development in my emotional stability and personal expectations. In my time with him I have found more peaceful resolution for my unnecessary expectations and found ways to reach further in my hopes and dreams. I now have a great deal of tools to pursue better outcomes both personally and professionally. Thanks George.

    Kyle, Youth Pastor, Father of 2, Edmonton, Alberta

  • I worked with Lesley extensively over a period of many months and am so thankful I did. Lesley sincerely cares for your mind, body & soul. Her approach is different from others I have experienced- she’s encouraging, optimistic & helps you realize your own strength. Lesley shared with me kindness, compassion & powerful knowledge to help me work through a major life change. Thank you for helping me discover things about myself to help me move forward. Our time together was powerful beyond measure. I’m so grateful for you.

    Amber, Mother of 2, Professional, Winnipeg, MB

  • I felt welcome and “at home” during my sessions with Lesley. She had incredible insights that really opened my eyes and made me think and reflect. Her advice was realistic and grounded, and I was confident in applying what I learned. I have since booked a second set of sessions with Lesley. Highly recommend!

    Suzanne, Entrepreneur, Steinbach, MB

  • Lesley was compassionate, intuitive, gentle, patient, and loving.

    Wendy, Mother, Teacher, British Columbia

  • Lesley and George were our lifelines during a tumultuous period in our marriage. We were at our lowest point when we decided to seek their coaching services. Lesley worked with us as a couple, while I (Steve) had the privilege of engaging with George via email coaching between sessions.

    George’s guidance was a revelation for me. His insightful discussions made me realize the profound impact my decisions, behavior, and attitudes had on Chyanne. Through his help, I shifted my perspective away from solely focusing on my own needs and desires to genuinely understanding and listening to Chyanne.

    There’s an abundance of positive aspects we could share about our experience with Lesley and George, but to put it succinctly, their level of attention and service is unparalleled. Thanks to their support, Chyanne and I have finally found hope amidst a challenging time. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and we’re deeply grateful to Lesley and George for that.

    Chyanne & Steve, Couple's Coaching, Toronto, Ontario

  • We’ve retained our privacy by using pseudonyms, but Rebecca and I, facing the turmoil of infidelity in our marriage, sought George and Lesley’s expert guidance. Their unwavering support and safe, judgment-free space allowed us to address the profound issues infidelity had unearthed, with Lesley’s wisdom and insight fostering effective communication and rebuilding trust. George’s counsel on rekindling intimacy was transformative. George and Lesley played an instrumental role in helping us heal and rebuild, emerging from this painful chapter stronger and more connected. We’re immensely grateful for their remarkable commitment to our healing process, which reignited our love and commitment.

    Rebecca & Thomas, Swan Lake, Manitoba

  • George and Lesley have profoundly impacted our marriage during the challenging “empty nest” phase. With their professional yet empathetic coaching, they helped us reconnect, communicate effectively, and reignite the spark that had dimmed over the years. Their guidance and practical strategies have transformed our relationship, making it stronger and more vibrant. We’re incredibly grateful for their unwavering support on our journey to a revitalized partnership.

    Devon & Michelle, Steinbach, Manitoba

  • We came to George and Lesley during a challenging phase in our marriage, hoping to salvage it. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts we ultimately decided to divorce.

    However, through their coaching, we both experienced significant personal growth and newfound self-awareness, and we now approach life with more resilience. We have decided to continue with their coaching support in ensuring our co-parenting is healthy for our children. Our marriage may not have endured, but we genuinely appreciate the impact George and Lesley had on our lives. We would recommend their coaching to anyone facing similar challenges, as it can be a crucial step toward personal growth, self-discovery, and a better outcome for the children.

    Jan & Terry, Nova Scotia, Canada

  • I was at a dark and desperate place when I reached out to George for help. I had been struggling with a severe porn addiction for years, and it had taken a toll on every aspect of my life. I felt lost and disconnected from myself, my values, and my loved ones.

    George’s guidance was nothing short of transformative. He helped me confront the root causes of my addiction, including the childhood trauma I had buried for so long. Through our sessions, I learned to face my past, acknowledge the pain, and heal from it.

    With George’s unwavering support, I not only overcame my addiction but also became a man with integrity and self-respect. He taught me how to rebuild my life with healthier habits and a newfound sense of purpose.

    I am profoundly grateful to George for the profound impact he had on my life. I owe much of my progress to his guidance and expertise. If you’re struggling with addiction or dealing with past trauma, I wholeheartedly recommend George as a compassionate and skilled guide to help you find your path to recovery and personal growth.

    Mark, Lorette, Manitoba

  • I reached a pivotal moment in my life where my narcissistic tendencies were ruining my relationships and career. I was extremely empty inside. Lesley guided me to realize that true connections require empathy and honesty, not manipulation. She encouraged me to confront my behavior, particularly my propensity to lie. Thanks to Lesley, I’ve begun a journey of personal growth. Lesley will definitely share her honest observations and tell you the truth even though it isn’t what you want to hear. I’m trying to foster genuine relationships that bring far more fulfillment than deceitful tactics. Lesley’s expertise was instrumental in this transformative experience, and I’m immensely grateful for her guidance.

    Marissa, Winnipeg, Manitoba

  • As a mother of six, managing time was a constant struggle. It was Lesley’s creative coaching that made all the difference. She not only helped me develop effective time management skills, but also connected with me on a personal level. This connection was a cornerstone in building my faith in myself and my abilities. Lesley’s guidance was a game-changer, allowing me to balance my roles as a mother and an individual with confidence and grace.

    Remy, Mother of 6, Steinbach, Manitoba

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