
Navigating the Heartache of Family Estrangement: A Compassionate Journey of Healing, Hope, and Reflection

In the delicate tapestry of family relationships, the bonds between parents and children are often perceived as unbreakable. However, life’s twists and turns can introduce unforeseen challenges, leaving even the most loving connections in disarray. This is the heartfelt journey of parents who, despite their unwavering love and support, find themselves cut off from their adult children. As we delve into this narrative, we’ll explore the profound impact of negative role models—both from an ex-partner and same-sex figures—on the child’s perception of conflict resolution and family dynamics.
The Foundation of Love

Our story begins with parents who poured their hearts into nurturing a strong bond with their child from the very start. Through every milestone, they offered guidance, support, and unwavering love, envisioning a lifelong connection. However, as life introduced external influences, the foundation of love began to reveal cracks.

The Unraveling

To the parents’ dismay, the once unbreakable bond started to unravel. Despite tireless efforts to maintain open communication, the adult child began to distance themselves. Phone calls echoed with unanswered longing, invitations were met with silent declines, and the air became tense with unspoken words. The parent’s gestures of togetherness were often met with a busy schedule and gaslighting, denying the growing disconnect.

A Note to Loving Parents

This narrative isn’t aimed at critical, abusive or judgmental parents that are wreaking havoc in the life of the adult child; instead, this article  speaks to those who have genuinely loved their children and now find themselves undeservedly cut off.  Navigating the complex emotions tied to fractured family relationships demands a proactive approach to self-care and healing. Further in this article strategies for self care for the hurting parent will be discussed.

The cut off parent is emotionally devastated. This emotional devastation is not the pain that our younger selves experienced with heartache in the romance department. This level of pain is profound, excruciating and debilitating. After spending a lifetime of making decisions that were governed by the best interest of the child (or children) to be met with disdain, disrespect and ultimately to become discarded is nothing short of traumatic.

Often these hurting parents have stayed in worn down marriages, and/or maintained relationships that were lacking, painful, and even abusive for the sake of their child (children). I know of one story where the father kept his narcissistic family as well as his ex-wife’s extended family members involved with his child. His thinking went that he did not want to deprive his child from these extended family members. The problem with this scenario is that all this exposure to unhealthy family members, who significantly modeled the “devalue and discard” method of problem solving increased the likelihood of him becoming discarded when his child reached adulthood. I wonder that herein lies the problem. Perhaps keeping narcissistic people away from your children would lessen the chance that your children are learning narcissistic responses to life’s complexities. It so matters who you allow around your children, as all older children and adults serve as role models beyond the parents’ themselves. As the saying goes, “Bad company corrupts good morals.”

These discarded hurting parents carved out a lifetime of giving their time, emotional energy, financial and physical support while never expecting anything in return, but they did get something in return that they never in a million years anticipated. They were met with disrespect and rejection. Shel Silverstein’s book, “The Giving Tree,” comes to mind when thinking about this scenario. The book depicts a tree that a young boy uses for his own comforts, amusement, and needs, and all through the years the tree gets whittled down to a stump as the child gets bigger and bigger and never completely realizes or appreciates the sacrifice that the tree made.

The scenario of good and loving parents being cut off begins with the parent (s) experiencing shock and bewilderment. They often wonder how this happened. It feels sudden to the parent and they don’t have a context for the “change of heart” displayed from their adult child. Below is a cross section of what dynamics have been at play long before the cut off.

Negative Influences: The Insidious Nature of Coping Mechanisms

Amidst the heartache of this unexpected estrangement, one cannot overlook the pervasive influence of both an ex-partner and same-sex role models in their child’s life. Negative role models, particularly in the realm of conflict resolution, cast a long shadow over the child’s understanding of relationships. The insidious truth emerges: children and young adults learn their coping mechanisms through parental modeling, and the scars of negative influences can persist for generations.

Terrible Role Models

Regrettably, these role models were individuals who, instead of embodying healthy conflict resolution, demonstrated destructive patterns. Whether it was the lingering issues with an ex-partner, aggressive confrontations, or a complete avoidance of communication, the adult child unwittingly absorbed these behaviors, incorporating them into their own approach to relationships.

Vindictive Ex-Partners and the Perpetuation of Character Flaws

The complexities deepen as some ex-partners reveal their vindictive nature. The character flaws that led to the divorce are played out on the adult child, perpetuating a cycle of pain and dysfunction. The wounds of past relationships become an unwanted inheritance, impacting the adult child’s ability to form and maintain healthy connections.

Narcissistic Siblings and Grandparents: Orchestrators of Pain

In this intricate dance of familial estrangement, the influence of the estranged parent’s narcissistic siblings or grandparents cannot be overlooked. These individuals, reveling in their ability to cause pain, engage in smear campaigns that further fracture relationships. The joy derived from knowing they are inflicting emotional turmoil adds an additional layer of complexity to the already strained family dynamic.

The Me Generation: A Culture of Narcissism

In the backdrop of this heart-wrenching tale lies the pervasive influence of the “Me Generation” and a culture that often promotes self-centeredness. The individualistic mindset, fueled by a desire for instant gratification, self promotion, and selfish ambition has contributed to a generation prioritizing personal needs over the wellbeing of family units. Often one can observe a selfish person using “I” statements ad nauseum as they often do not include the perspective or needs of others in their repertoire. In other words, this often manifests in adult children seeing their parents solely as a means to satisfy their own desires. Seeing parents as someone to appreciate or honour is not in the equation.

The Impact on Conflict Resolution

The painful consequence of these negative influences manifested in the strained parent-child dynamic. Rather than addressing issues openly and honestly, the adult child seemed to mirror the unhealthy patterns they had witnessed. The loving parents found themselves ensnared in a web of misunderstanding, smear campaigns, slander, and unhealthy judgement as they were unable to bridge the growing gap.

Control Issues: Unveiling the Power Struggle

A deeper layer of complexity arises as control issues surface within the adult child. Whether stemming from a need for autonomy or a fear of vulnerability, the adult child exerts control over the narrative, severing ties with the parents. This power struggle further complicates the path to reconciliation.

The Unhealthy Coping Styles of the Adult Child

One glaring aspect of this painful estrangement is the unhealthy coping styles adopted by the adult child. Instead of addressing problems with openness and healthy communication, they resort to avoidance, blame, and the vilification of the very parent who offered unwavering love. Recognizing these patterns is vital for parents seeking reconciliation and understanding. It is this very teaching that the estranged parent can begin to incorporate into their own personal life while they are in “God’s Waiting Room” so that when the time is right they will be able to impart this wisdom to their adult child. This very wisdom is what the adult child wasn’t able to learn in their growing up years. Essentially what the adult child had learned in their youth has come to fruition in their adulthood, that is, a boat load of unhealthy coping strategies, poor interpersonal communication, and hostile conflict styles that they had learned from their parents.

Reflection on Parenting: Regrets and Lessons

In the midst of the heartache, some parents may reflect on missed opportunities. Regrets may surface about not instilling more lessons of forgiveness, love, acceptance, and gratitude during the child’s formative years. The acknowledgment that the adult child is not the villain, but a product of the parent’s poor marriage/relationship choice becomes a profound realization. Choosing a partner lacking communication and anger management skills inadvertently shaped the environment in which the child learned to navigate relationships. While no couple is perfect, when the end result is divorce due to destructive relating styles the children inadvertently adopt this poison into their own schema for relationships. In other words, children learn to walk by watching their parents, they learn to talk by watching their parents, and they learn to resolve conflict (or not) by watching their parents.

Faith and Healing: A Way Forward

In the midst of this intricate familial struggle, there emerges a call to return to faith—a faith that promotes forgiveness, reconciliation, forbearance, caring, love, and tenderness. It beckons society and the adult child to let go of malice, anger, and bitterness, and embrace the transformative power of healing. When one realizes who they are in the context of the universe an air of humble restoration emerges. When adult children come to see the parent as a mere mortal with flaws, but genuine love and care they are able to let go of the bitterness that seeks to ensnare their life and the lives of generations to come.

Teaching Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness: A Hopeful Perspective

While you cannot go back and change the way you related in your youth, or reverse your choice in the hostile and immature marriage partner from your past you can start the journey in your life to heal, grow and become the best version of who you were meant to be. As long as you have breath it is never too late. In the meantime it is important that you do your own work and move towards healing. In getting well you will have a better life and also be prepared for possible reconciliation. If your ex spouse modelled how to disrespect you then you will use this time to grow to have better boundaries around your adult child. When that reconciliation comes you will be ready and it if does not, you will be who you were meant to be before that difficult marriage, before those personal setbacks and prior to your adult child removing you from their life.

The bottom line is we all have pain. Everyone has a very painful story, but it how we choose to deal with the pain that makes the difference. It seems to me that when we witness the pain we cause it is then we become a little more humble in terms of how we hold others to unrealistic standards. I’ve heard it said, “When someone hurts us we want justice, but when we hurt others we want mercy.”

We need to cultivate the capacity to let go of the pain and embrace the choice to forgive and to love first within ourselves. There remains a glimmer of hope that one day that you (the estranged parent) may have the opportunity to impart essential lessons about love, acceptance, forgiveness, and the caring for others to your adult child. Your own journey of healing may one day open the door for a future where both you and your adult child can grow and learn together, forging a new path based on understanding and compassion.

Embracing Renewal: A Future of Healing, Life, and New Relationships

As we reflect on the heart-wrenching tale of parents estranged from their adult child, it’s essential to acknowledge the profound toll such situations take on mental health and well-being. Coping with a shattered heart requires more than understanding the root causes; it calls for a proactive approach to self-care and healing.

Seek Professional Support: Engaging with a professional coach provides a sanctuary to express emotions, gain insight, and develop coping strategies. Professional guidance becomes a compass in navigating the complex emotions associated with fractured family relationships.

Build a Support Network: Surrounding oneself with friends, family, or a support group offers a sense of community and understanding. Sharing thoughts and feelings with trusted individuals provides validation and nurtures a support system to alleviate the pain.

Practice Self-Compassion: Treating oneself with kindness during times of heartache is crucial. Recognizing that healing is a process, accepting setbacks as part of the journey, and practicing self-compassion involve acknowledging pain without self-judgment and allowing room for personal growth.

Engage in Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Channeling emotions into positive outlets, such as exercise, pursuing your faith, and creative pursuits, becomes a powerful antidote to manage stress and promote emotional well-being. These activities offer a healthy escape and contribute to a more balanced mental state.

Set Boundaries and Focus on Self-Care: Establishing clear boundaries, especially when revisiting painful situations, is crucial for mental health. Prioritizing self-care activities, such as adequate sleep, proper nutrition, and regular exercise, contributes to a stronger emotional foundation.

Choose to Be Strong: Cultivate an attitude that you are not the victim, but rather admit that the entire scenario victimizes everyone. You are not the only one in pain, but you can choose to use your pain for good as you better yourself. Stand up, pick up your mat and create healthy boundaries around you and your life. Only allow healthy non-abusive people into your circle. Keep the abusive nasty gossips out of your realm. Don’t think about them. Do not allow someone to live rent free in your brain!

Cultivate Resilience: Building resilience involves adapting to adversity and learning from experiences. Rather than succumbing to despair, viewing challenges as opportunities for personal growth empowers individuals to bounce back from setbacks and face the future with newfound strength. Maintain the learner mindset that your coach can help you with. Stay out of self-judgement.

How Waypoint Wellness & Performance Coaching Can Help

At Waypoint Wellness & Performance Coaching, we understand the intricate layers of pain involved in familial estrangement. Our experienced coaches provide a safe and empathetic space for individuals to navigate the complexities of healing. Through tailored coaching sessions, we empower estranged parents to untangle the web of negative influences, set healthy boundaries, and reclaim their resilience. Our holistic approach, coupled with the transformative power of faith, guides you toward the light at the end of the tunnel, offering a pathway to healing, self-discovery, and renewed purpose. You don’t have to navigate this journey alone; let Waypoint be your companion on the road to rediscovering hope, connection, and the promise of new beginnings.

For further academic reading

  • Check out, “Unveiling Family Cut Offs: Navigating Change & Control”- Part 1 Click Here
  • Check out  faith based reading on the topic of estrangement, “Finding Hope: Navigating Estrangement Through Faith.”Click Here
  • Check out, “Navigating Grief: The Pain of Estrangement from an Adult Child.” Click here
  • Check out, “Navigating the Pain.” Click Here
  • Check out, “Is Severing Ties with Abusive Adult Child Justified?”Click Here
  • Check out, “Finding Hope & Healing Through Faith.” Click Here
  • Check out, “Recovering From Rejection.” Click Here
  • Check out, “Unveiling Family Cut Offs.” Click Here


  • To reach out to George or Lesley for coaching support head over to the contact page. Click Here
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